Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nick Fury

Ah Nick...I thought this was going to be easy. The ML5 Nick Fury was such a cool figure when it came out, but the proportions and lack of thigh swivel finally got to me. So what I did was I ripped off his head, ripped off his holsters, and then glued them to a dremelled down ML8 Captain America (love the body shape, articulation, and boot/glove sculpt on it, I know a lot of people have been using Punishers for him but I think its too hunched of a sculpt). This is what I ended up with:
Now, a lot of people would be satisfied with this, hell Kyle Robinson could get $200 on eBay just by doing this, but I still wasn't happy. I saw a leftover ML4 Punisher head in my parts bin and blatantly copied what so many others (DBaetz, Indy, etc) had done before me, and resculpted the Punisher head into Nick Fury (I tried to fill in the excessive Cortez-sculpt cheekbones to give him a bit of an older, saggier apperance, but still gruff). Here is the final result:

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