Wednesday, September 29, 2010

John Constantine, Hellblazer

After realizing my old one wasn't going to fit in with my DCUC display, I had to make another. This is Constantine, the fuckin man after all. After seeing a recipe that really inspired me (to blatantly copy it, after all that is pretty much the state of customizing now) I decided to go for it.


The recipe is pretty basic, Question body, Clark Kent hands, and Aquaman head. Then a simple repaint and BAM he's done.

Here is a picture of the inspiration, made by Ottodestruct on the Fwoosh forums:

1 comment:

Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

Damn. This is pretty impressive. A friend of mine made a similar-looking Constantine custom figure, using the DCUC Aquaman blue outfit head with a DCUC Batman Commissioner Gordon body and painted on stubble.