Wednesday, September 29, 2010

John Constantine, Hellblazer

After realizing my old one wasn't going to fit in with my DCUC display, I had to make another. This is Constantine, the fuckin man after all. After seeing a recipe that really inspired me (to blatantly copy it, after all that is pretty much the state of customizing now) I decided to go for it.


The recipe is pretty basic, Question body, Clark Kent hands, and Aquaman head. Then a simple repaint and BAM he's done.

Here is a picture of the inspiration, made by Ottodestruct on the Fwoosh forums:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hitman (Tommy Monaghan)

I'm really not sure how I haven't posted this figure yet...its been done for so long and shown around I'm sure but I may as well make it official on here


It was fairly simple, TNA wrestler head, coat and arms, ML4 Punisher torso and legs, Sota Guile boots. The head was almost entirely resculpted, and the arms had to be dremelled down due to some symbols on them, and the pants were sculpted as well.