Saturday, January 13, 2007

Guy Gardner (DCD Conversion) and Superman (head fix)

You lucky viewers, today you get a double shot of awesome! First up is a Guy Gardner conversion that looks extremely simple, but took a bit of work (and shoulder joint breakage).
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Look at that ugly hunk of garbage above. Thats what I get for not double checking ball joint sizes.
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Much better, much better indeed.

The conversion is fairly simple (planning-wise). DCD GL series 2 Guy Gardner, DCSH series 3 Batman (or whatever 4 horseman style hips), and ML11 Wolverine are the key ingredients here.
First I popped the arms (and pulled out the clear pegs too, takes a bit of strumph) out, pulled off the gloves (and saved them), then pulled off the lower legs (pop the pin, then take em the pin). The same was done with the Batman (you need the part just above the glove, so pop off the gloves, pop the pin and save them first, then pop off the lower legs, and rip off (since you dont need the waist peg) the waist/upper legs). The shoulders are all you need from Wolvie (I used them because they are a good size, they're black to avoid paint rub, and they pegs into the Batman lower arms well), just pop the torso and pull em out.
The pegs (for the glove attachment and shoulder attachment) may need some dremeling to fit, but not too much.
The waist was the hard part, since Guy has no articulation there, I had to use a cutting disk, cut off Guy's lower torso, dremel out the torso a bit, then fit Batmans torso into it (pay attention to proportion here, you may or may not need to dremel into Guy's torso more). Also don't forget to sand off Batmans underwear line, otherwise you'll have some Kyle Robinson looking shit on your hands.
Before you pull everything together, I find it easier to spray the parts that need painting (lower arms and the thighs) with some Krylon Fusion, then hit with some dullcoate to counter the shine and give it more durability.
When everything is dry, plug the parts together, glue the torsos together, and its done.
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Superman is a much simpler story, being the hater of the Dan Jurgens headsculpt as I am, and the fan of mullets that I am (Longshot needs love too!) I came up with a head swap for DSCH Superman, just the DCD (James Shoop sculpt, fuck yeah) Superman head onto the body:
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1 comment:

pte bentley said...

the joints look hell of alot better looks more real um but you should do something about that vest around the joints cause the vest looks to big but all in all it looks better then the other arms